Board Games or Video Games

Board Games or Video Games – Which Are Better? Analyzing Trends and Sales


In the world of entertainment, two types of games are vying for players’ attention – board games and video games. Each offers unique experiences that attract different audiences. Board games provide face-to-face interaction, tradition, and tactical challenges, while video games captivate with virtual worlds, advanced graphics, and dynamic gameplay. But which of these is better? What trends are currently dominating the market? And how do sales compare between the two segments? This article aims to explore these questions.

Board Games – A Return to Roots

History and Renaissance

Board games have a long history, dating back thousands of years. From ancient games like the Chinese game Go or Egyptian Senet to today’s advanced strategic games like Catan or Terraforming Mars, board games have evolved significantly. In recent years, there has been a noticeable resurgence in board games, a phenomenon worth noting. In an era dominated by digital screens, people are rediscovering the value of direct, physical interaction that board games offer.

Advantages of Board Games

Board games provide unique experiences that are not easily replicated in the virtual world. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Social Interaction: Board games encourage face-to-face interaction, fostering social bonds. This is especially important in an era where human connections are increasingly mediated by technology.
  2. Skill Development: Board games often require strategic thinking, planning, and decision-making, which stimulates mental growth. Games like Chess or Azul are excellent for developing logical thinking skills.
  3. Universal Appeal: Board games are accessible to players of all ages, making them an ideal choice for families and groups with diverse age ranges.
  4. No Technical Requirements: Unlike video games, board games do not require expensive equipment or internet access, making them more accessible to a broader audience.

Trends in the Board Game Market

In recent years, several key trends have emerged in the board game market:

  1. Rise of Cooperative Games: Games where players cooperate instead of competing are becoming increasingly popular. Pandemic, where players work together to combat a global pandemic, is a prime example.
  2. Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter have become crucial for board game creators, allowing them to fund new projects directly through the gaming community.
  3. Hybrid Board Games: Increasingly, board games are integrating digital elements, such as mobile apps, adding a new dimension to gameplay.

Video Games – The Digital Evolution of Entertainment

History and Development

Video games are a relatively young form of entertainment that has evolved rapidly over the past few decades. From the simple pixelated games of the 1980s, like Pong, to today’s advanced productions like Cyberpunk 2077 or The Witcher 3, video games have come a long way. Today, thanks to advanced technology, they offer experiences on an unprecedented scale.

Advantages of Video Games

Video games have many features that attract millions of players worldwide:

  1. Graphics and Realism: Modern video games offer realistic graphics and sound, creating immersive experiences that are hard to achieve in the physical world.
  2. Accessibility and Convenience: Video games can be easily downloaded and installed on home devices, and platforms like Steam or Epic Games Store provide access to a vast library of titles from various genres.
  3. Variety of Genres: Video games offer a vast array of genres – from simple puzzle games to complex strategy games, RPGs, and simulators, allowing for personalized entertainment.
  4. Multiplayer and Community: Video games allow for online play with people from around the world, fostering the creation of global gaming communities.

Trends in the Video Game World

The video game market is incredibly dynamic. Here are some of the most important trends shaping it today:

  1. Mobile Games: Mobile games on smartphones and tablets have gained prominence, generating billions of dollars in revenue. Games like Candy Crush or Clash of Clans have become global phenomena.
  2. Esports: Professional competitive gaming in titles like League of Legends or Counter-Strike attracts millions of viewers and generates significant revenue. Esports have become an integral part of video game culture.
  3. VR and AR: Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies are opening up new possibilities in video gaming, offering even more immersive experiences.
  4. DLCs and Microtransactions: Increasingly, games offer downloadable content (DLCs) and microtransactions, changing how players consume games and spend money on them.

Sales and Popularity – Which Games Are Winning?

Board Games

Board game sales have been steadily increasing, particularly in recent years. As of 2023, the global board game market was valued at around $13 billion, with projections indicating further growth. Strategic and family games hold the largest market share. The rise in sales is also driven by the development of new, innovative games that gain popularity through crowdfunding campaigns.

Video Games

The video game market is much larger and more diversified. In 2023, the global video game market exceeded $200 billion. Mobile games make up more than 50% of the total market. Esports, console games, and PC games also play a crucial role in generating revenue. The dynamic development of technologies such as game streaming, VR, and the growing popularity of digital platforms also contribute to the market’s growth.

Which Are Better?

The answer to this question depends on individual preferences. Board games and video games offer different experiences and attract different groups of players. Board games are ideal for those who value direct social interaction and real-world strategic challenges. On the other hand, video games appeal to players seeking advanced graphics, complex gameplay, and the ability to play online with people from around the world.


Board games and video games represent two worlds that, despite their differences, complement each other perfectly. Both types of games are experiencing dynamic growth and enjoying increasing popularity. The choice between them depends on personal preferences, and the growing selection in both the board game and video game worlds ensures that every player will find something they enjoy. Whether you choose a traditional board game or a modern video game, one thing is certain – entertainment in the world of games has never been more exciting and accessible to everyone.

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