How does the #kamyczki campaign work?

#kamyczki Campaign – A Creative Initiative Capturing Poland’s Heart


In a world where social media is often flooded with negative news and controversies, sometimes something emerges that restores faith in human kindness and creativity. One such initiative is the #kamyczki campaign, which has gained immense popularity in Poland. This simple yet delightful initiative involves painting and hiding colorful stones in various locations for others to find and enjoy these little pieces of art. Similar initiatives exist in English-speaking countries, known by hashtags such as #PaintedRocks, #KindnessRocks, or #RockArt.

History of the #kamyczki Campaign

The #kamyczki campaign was inspired by these international movements, where painting and leaving stones in public spaces became a popular hobby. In Poland, it gained popularity especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as people sought ways to spend time outdoors and bring joy to others’ lives.

Initially, the campaign was more local, organized by small groups of art and nature enthusiasts. Over time, thanks to social media, it started attracting more attention and engaging people from different regions of Poland.

How Does the #kamyczki Campaign Work?

The campaign is incredibly simple and open to everyone, regardless of age or artistic skills. Here are the steps participants can take to join in:

  1. Find a Stone: Ideally, it should be smooth and of a size suitable for painting.
  2. Paint the Stone: Use acrylic paints, permanent markers, or other tools that allow for durable designs. The motifs can vary widely – from simple patterns and colors to inscriptions and complex drawings.
  3. Seal the Painting: To protect the artwork from weather conditions, it’s a good idea to cover the stone with a layer of varnish.
  4. Mark the Stone: On the bottom of the stone, you can write the hashtag #kamyczki or its English equivalent #KindnessRocks, and the name of the city or region it comes from. Some also add a short message or inspirational quotes.
  5. Hide the Stone: Leave the stone in a public place – a park, square, forest, or beach – where someone else can find it.
  6. Find a Stone: If you find such a stone, you can keep it, move it to another location, or be inspired to create your own #kamyczki.

The #kamyczki Campaign on Social Media

Popularity on Platforms

The #kamyczki campaign has gained widespread recognition on social media, especially on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The hashtag #kamyczki has become popular, with users eagerly sharing photos of their creations and the places where they hid or found them.

On Facebook, there are many groups dedicated to this initiative, where members share their works, tips on painting stones, and information about the stones they’ve found. These groups range from a few hundred to several thousand members and are places of active exchange of experiences.

Instagram is another platform where the #kamyczki campaign has found its place. Users post photos of their colorful stones, often set against beautiful sceneries where they were hidden. Thanks to the hashtag #kamyczki, it’s easy to browse others’ works and draw inspiration for your own projects.

TikTok has become a platform where participants share short videos showing the process of painting stones, hiding them, and the reactions of people who find them. These short, dynamic videos garner thousands of views, and the campaign is gaining more and more popularity among younger users.

Interactions and Challenges

Social media not only allows participants to share their works but also promotes interaction among them. Users often organize challenges, such as painting stones on a specific theme, related to a holiday, season, or event. These challenges are very popular and engage a wide range of participants.

Example challenges include:

  • Holiday Stones: Painting stones with themes of Christmas, Easter, Halloween, or Valentine’s Day.
  • Seasonal Stones: Creating stones with themes of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
  • Thematic Stones: Painting stones with themes of animals, plants, cartoon characters, superheroes, or famous works of art.

These challenges not only stimulate creativity but also foster a sense of community among participants who share their works and inspirations.

Ideas for Painting Stones

One of the most fascinating aspects of the #kamyczki campaign is the vast variety of ideas that can be used for painting stones. Here are some inspirations:

Nature Motifs:

    • Flowers: Painting beautiful, colorful flowers.
    • Animals: Drawings of birds, butterflies, dogs, cats, hedgehogs, etc.
    • Landscapes: Small scenes depicting mountains, forests, beaches, or lakes.

    Characters from Fairy Tales and Movies:

      • Cartoon Characters: Characters from favorite cartoons like Mickey Mouse, Smurfs, or Minions.
      • Movie Heroes: Superheroes like Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman.

      Abstracts and Patterns:

        • Geometric: Mandala patterns, lines, spirals, dots.
        • Color Gradients: Smooth color transitions, ombre.

        Written Messages and Quotes:

          • Inspirational Quotes: Short, positive messages that can brighten the finder’s day.
          • Simple Words: Such as “Smile,” “Good Morning,” “Have a Nice Day.”

          Holiday and Seasonal Motifs:

            • Christmas: Christmas trees, Santas, reindeer.
            • Easter: Eggs, bunnies, chicks.
            • Halloween: Pumpkins, ghosts, witches.

            Educational Stones:

              • Science: Chemical symbols, mathematical formulas, biological diagrams.
              • History: Portraits of famous historical figures, dates of important events.

              Why Join the Campaign?


              Painting stones is a great opportunity to express your creativity. Regardless of skill level, anyone can create something beautiful. It’s also an excellent way to develop artistic skills and experiment with different painting techniques.

              Social Integration

              The #kamyczki campaign fosters community building. Participants can share their works on social media using the hashtag #kamyczki or its English equivalents like #KindnessRocks, which enables them to connect with other enthusiasts of this initiative. Many people also organize joint stone painting and searching in local parks, promoting integration and spending time together outdoors.

              Mood Improvement

              Both creating and finding stones have a positive impact on mood. The painting process is relaxing, and finding a beautifully decorated stone can be a pleasant surprise that improves your day. These small gestures have a big power to bring joy into everyday life.

              Promoting an Active Lifestyle

              Searching for stones is an excellent excuse to go for a walk and spend time actively outdoors. The campaign encourages exploring local parks, forests, and other public places, which benefits physical and mental health.

              Challenges and the Future of the Campaign

              Although the #kamyczki campaign has mainly positive aspects, it also carries certain challenges. One of them is the issue of leaving stones in places where they may pose a threat to the natural environment, especially in protected areas. It’s important for participants to remember to act responsibly and not leave stones in places where they could harm the fauna and flora.

              The future of the #kamyczki campaign looks promising. More and more people are getting involved in this initiative, and social media is full of photos of beautifully decorated stones and stories related to finding them. In the future, new forms of expanding this campaign may emerge, such as organizing local stone festivals or creating interactive maps of places where these small works of art can be found.


              The #kamyczki campaign is a perfect example of how simple ideas can bring a lot of joy and positive emotions. It’s an initiative that connects people, promotes creativity, and encourages outdoor activity. If you haven’t joined this campaign yet, it’s worth giving it a try – maybe you’ll create a stone that becomes a treasured find for someone else.

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